Wednesday, December 12, 2007

class update

The grades for the Progressive unit are online.Be sure you have gotten on to the online book by now as we will continue to use this for the year.The chapter for this unit is 11, page 370.The directions for the book are found at the Oct.22 entry.
Folder : daily assignments,tree map of sec.1/chap/11,fleemap notes of sec 1/2,blue powerpoint notes of sec. 3/4, questions at the end of each section [4 sets],circle frame map of the film[trench in the middle and other wars warfare in the frame,reflect on the back...what was trench warfare like..
Poster : research your date and find an event to describe in 8 parts.Find pictures that match the era and use them to create your poster.Please keep them small, but not as small as a piece of paper.You must include a time line and explanations for each event. Follow the example I handed out.This is due on Monday and the folder on Tues. Dec. 18.
Quiz this Friday before you use the lab.


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